Destiny Train/New Millenium 2000
by Robert R. Cobb
©2001 by Robert R. Cobb
Robert R. Cobb retired as a high school art teacher two years ago,
culminating thirty-five
years of
teaching experience with Maine Township High School District #207 in
Park Ridge
Des Plaines, Illinois. He lives with his wife of forty years, Lorna, in
Meadows, Illinois.
They have three grown sons and five grandchildren. Robert is a
artist as well
as a sometime poet. His works of art, largely drawings, paintings, and
may be found in
over 150 collections. His poetry may be found in recent issues of
Snakeskin Webzine, Basket Case Magazine, The Southern Ocean Review, The Free Cuisenart,
The Nexus, The Paradigm Press Zine, and BeFreeZine. Robert's poem "Sestina
Senses and Nonsense"
won second place in The Black Swan Review's national poetry contest.
Robert was also the featured poet of the month in The Nepenthe Journal in June 1999.
See Robert R. Cobb's poetry in this issue.