Remembering Novosibirsk
The Yak-Sorak hip-hopped at Krasnoyarsk
The sky came lower down
It started to snow
I never thought I would miss Moscow
I was the only one in Intourist
Babushka zombies aimlessly trudge the slush
Red fox in a sly alley shop
Ulan Udey waiting for the trans-Siberian call
That never comes
Lenin wails as the wind picks up
I trade leather jackets for love.
*Yak-Sorak: a very small passenger jet
*Intourist: the Russian travel agency for
foreigners, a hangover from Soviet times
*babushka:old lady, grandmother
Do you remember sheer fear
Chechens and black-haired monsters
Have guns
Half a pizza
Blown away in an afternoon Moscow Park
The aftermath
Of a country blown to bits
And then systematically pulverized
To fulfill our grand design
While Petersburg eats cabbage
Dipped in wine.