Fiction   Essays   Poetry  The Ten On Baseball Chapbooks In Memory

Jim Ellis


You make a point of hiding
the depression you hold in your hand
like a weapon.

You let yourself entertain the thought:
wouldn't it be nice this opening day
if the macho neighbor
who pumps out his sump pump
into your yard, not his,
was mistaken for a turkey.

Reading the obituary:
the Vietnam vet who told you he'd stick
your antiwar sign up your ass.

How is it possible
to be so lonely?

©2005 by Jim Ellis

Jim Ellis writes safety training manuals for a living, and loves poets of many styles and sensibilities. He doesn't think there's a rightful separation between engaged and introspective poems. "Sure, it's a drag to keep saying it, but the world's future is obviously very much in question. On the other hand, if we can't believe in dreams, the journey ends at birth." (Komunyakaa) Jim's poems have been published in Pig Iron, Thorny Locust, Vs., Zillah, Lake Effect, Tryst, Red Owl, Comstock Review, Kaleidoscope Review, Lilliput Review, Dream Fantasy, Olive Trees, Snakeskin, VLQ, Flesh From Ashes, and Unlikely Stories.

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