About the Poet
Robert Demaree is a retired school administrator with ties to North Carolina, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. The author of a history of Greensboro Day School and a collection of poems called New Hampshire Pond, he has had over 240 poems published or accepted by 70 periodicals. A book-length collection, Fathers and Teachers, will be published in June 2007 by Beech River Books. He and his wife Martha live in Burlington, North Carolina, and Wolfeboro, New Hamphsire.
Credits and Acknowledgements
Pieces in this collection have appeared in the following publications: Above Ground Testing, Art With Words, Blackwidows Web of Poetry, Cold Mountain Review, Exit 13, Freexpression, Ibbetson Street Press, L’Intrigue. Louisville Review, Mobius, Offerings, Paris/Atlantic, Pegasus, Pink Cadillac, Pink Chameleon, Poetic Eloquence, Poetry Forum, Red River Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Rock Falls Review, Small Brushes, Somniloquy, Terrace Journal, Thorny Locust, Tiger’s Eye, Umbriate, Underground Window, and Write On.