Night Thoughts

It’s Tuesday
and my urine flows freely
to the end of time
           --Suzanne Stapeley

Suzanne lives at the Villa Ocotillo, Scottsdale, Arizona,
where the other residents distrust her
writing. Each Friday she comes to class
carrying a looseleaf binder full
of fantasies, confessions, and details
only her doctor should know.
She’s not afraid to tell how she feels

when Juan, the waiter, brushes against her
before serving Jello
or to recall the secrets of a Happy Hour
that kindles passions for which
the fuel is running low. Her latest lover
is Saddam Hussein. He’s dark,
mysterious, and nobody else likes him.
Suzanne cares more about his eyes

than politics. When the buffet has been cleared away
and all there is to drink
is an ice cold Coke at 2 AM
she cannot sleep, and spins a thread
of longhand script
to state, I’m eighty-two years old
and there’s nothing
I can’t say now.

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