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The work of each, the work of otherShushWalk open into open night Fill the already full Nothingness is A billion tips of envelopes Bending, yet not sealed Belonging To a billion letters Set in small type Set in small rectangles Upon the printing press A loom to you A loom to me Set in motion In the drying ink You hear the beast Behind the I The M the U Feel the echo Warmth fills your cheeks Seeps whispers at the drums of your ears The beast calls back A name upon her lips Transferred to your lips Transferred to our lips The beast’s phantoms The beast’s shadows 360 degrees of dark cover, not swallow Circumference a center Light catches glimpses Your own midnight Mouth a burrow In the shade In the lightlessness Of closed envelopes Of night’s other night Addressed to none and all Returns again and again Open the envelope No reason, just open The breath Of the beast Of the forest, draws Welcome welcome ©2009 by Felicia Zamora
Originally from the Midwest, Felicia Zamora lives in Colorado. She works as an academic advisor in the College of Business, and is a Master of Fine Arts student in creative writing, both at Colorado State University. When not at work or in classes, Felicia spends time with her partner, Chris, and two Chow-mixes, Howser and Levine. Other published works may be found in Academic Advising Today, Poetrybay, Ruminate, Matter, The Great Ecstatic Reporter, Walt’s Corner, The Honey Land Review, zaum, The Black Market Review, Emprise Review, and forthcoming in Weave Magazine and Transcurrent Literary Journal.
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