R.D. Power
Baseball is Life
It’s not fair from the outset. An elite few are born superior and with proper
training they succeed where those with lesser talent fail no matter how good the
teaching and how hard they try. The mediocre, encompassing most everyone,
bumble their way through trying to excel despite the hopelessness of ever
prospering: they think they’re much better than they are, but who has the right
to take away their dreams? Others, who never asked to be here (it was their parents’
idea), just waste time grumbling about it all, never carrying their weight
and getting in the way but demanding equal consideration. A thousand
different things can happen at any time and that’s what makes it interesting
and challenging. A great deal of it is boring, but it is punctuated with
moments of sheer excitement or beauty that make it all worthwhile,
and with moments of heartbreak that make one question the significance of it all.
The end is certain, though just when and how it will come is unclear.
Ultimately, some would say it’s about doing one’s best; others think
it’s about money; others think it’s about winners and losers;
others think it’s about attracting the opposite sex; others think it’s
about nothing; most don’t bother thinking about it at all. Regardless,
spring renews it.
©2010 by R.D. Power