In Memory
Philip Whalen
by Steve Silberman
He was smiling
Someone had placed three bright orange flowers at his left shoulder. One of the women sitting in the room invited me to offer incense.
There was a profound stillness, and the funny thought came to me that when you are in a room with a corpse, the most important thing in the room is always the corpse.
Hunter S. Thompson
The cannon atop the tower fired, and Hunter's ashes fell over the assembled guest like gray snow, "Mr. Tambourine Man" blaring from the sound system on cue.
John Lee Hooker
by Phillip Poff
I was as big a JLH fan as there was, and there I was having a late
breakfast with the Boogie Man.
Uneasy Kesey
by William Dean
Kesey's kicked it at last / He's shuffled off the scuffed Levi's / and dowager boots / and joined the coots / up there where the past / is all coffee houses, divas, and lies
George Was My Beatle
by Samantha Capps Emerson
I am eleven years old and I can sign George Harrison's autograph so well it looks almost like the real thing.
Jerry Garcia
by Jeff Beresford-Howe
Here's what I remember. I remember being a twenty-year-old kid from a
fucked-up suburban family and deciding to go check out the Grateful
Dead one day.