My ship waded through endless night
into Murmansk
The Avrora crackling like furious skeletons on fire
Car headlights on daytime snow
Do you remember the upturned fish
On Ukrainian hooks
Tempered with Finnish vodka
Threadbare towels that pretend at the ice
Mustaches catch electricity and glow
I shiver and dream of summer in Kiev
I covet mosquitoes on a Voronesh ranch
One kilogram of prime ribs
Target shooting in tall grass
I am an ice-worm with twenty cats
But this winter there are no rats.
Avrora: northern lights
Do you remember the cleaner woman
Shout good morning to all and sundry
My first cigarette butt sizzles to death
Outside our window piled up with snow
One naked tree outside
Kiosks shiver open as do neon lights
Nevsky beer extra strong
You 'build' your face in window light
From snowflakes in the dawn.