From Vologda to Petersburg by sleeper train
Upper berth
Kalbasa downstairs
And the stench of autumn socks
Impossible bottle angles
Golden teeth and Moldovian wine
Cucumbers in vinegar and communist songs
Prisoner of my freedom
From across the world
Do you remember
That you live with souls
The rest is a narcotic
To earn our daily bread
We attempt to create wholes
And pass through each day
Tomorrow we will get the 'vision'
Tomorrow we will see
Breasts touching arthritic knees
Golden teeth and calories
Cosmetic tennis in the afternoon
Let us be just
Let us adjust
To tram-car tracks that eat my tires
To blindness in the Spanish rain.
The autumn blows
Soon it will be time for pillows
For bats to hibernate
It is most inopportune now
For promises of tomorrow
On some anonymous subway staircase
Let us visit a tombstone
And autumn clean
Let us lean over our balcony
And say goodbye
To the watermelon stall.